Instant Purchasing Capabilities

Instant Purchasing Capabilities

Instant purchasing is proven to halve cart abandonment.

‘A lengthy checkout with too many steps drives almost one in five customers away from their online shopping carts.’  Baynard Institute 2023

Instant purchasing is the ability for consumers to make a purchase quickly and seamlessly with minimal steps or interactions. This can be achieved by streamlining the buying process, and through the use of Smart Buy Buttons which brings purchasing capabilities to non-ecommerce pages such as author pages, newsletters, third party websites with reader communities, social channels, blogs posts, book flyers and advertisements. It is essentially “one click” purchasing adding a book in any format straight into your cart.


Having instant purchasing capabilities on your website as a publisher is also important for several reasons:

1. Improved User Experience

2. Customer Trust and Loyalty

3. Control Over Sales Data

4. Increased Marketing Opportunities

5. Immediate Fulfilment

6. Instant Purchasing Converts Readers to Buyers

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