Supadu Wins Warrant for Innovation Excellence for our Smart Buy Buttons!

Supadu Wins Warrant for Innovation Excellence for our Smart Buy Buttons!

"We are thrilled to have been awarded another warrant from the Stationers' Company! We have been growing the Smart Buy Buttons capabilities extensively and keen to show our customers and community what's in store! Our incredible team has passion and ideas that drive forward our innovation and success.”
- Mark Harvie-Watt,  Co Founder

The judging Panel awarded the Warrant for Smart Buy Buttons for a ground-breaking solution that enables publishers to engage readers across the digital sphere. Whether on a blog, from a newsletter or marketing campaigns, in a book club or other 3rd-party website and social channels, Smart Buy buttons check live product information for availability then adds the product into the publisher shopping cart fully integrated into the distribution channels driving engagement, sales and audience reach. 

What is a Stationers’ Warrant?

The prestigious Stationers’ Company Warrant launched in 2014 and was established as a mark of recognition to highlight excellence within our industries. A warrant for your product, product range or service provides a unique opportunity to showcase your quality offering and differentiate you from others in your sector. The Worshipful Company of Stationers and Newspaper Makers is the City of London livery company for the communications and content industries.

It is unique for a 600-year-old company in that over 90% of our members are actively involved in our industries. Focussing on charitable giving, to education, in particular, is a very strong element of the work of all livery companies. 

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