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Sign up nowSign up nowHow do complexities in the supply chain affect 'Direct to Consumer' sales and how can D2C sales help alleviate pain points in the supply chain? With guest panelists David Hetherington (Books International), Jason Farrell (University of Toronto Press) and Sarah Arbuthnot (Supadu), this webinar will explore how to balance your 'Direct to Consumer' website with hurdles in the wider industry.
We all know how important book metadata is for discoverability and sales but which elements really matter? And does this vary depending on the channel? Can you supply different elements for different recipients? In today's webinar, Joshua Tallent from Firebrand Technologies and Sarah Arbuthnot from Supadu will explore which areas of metadata you should focus on for various channels, such as your website and online retailers, and you'll hear tips for how you should communicate information in ONIX.
As a UTP Distribution publisher, how can you make the most of your website and online marketing to boost book sales? Supadu's Sarah Arbuthnot will take you through how you can work with UTP Distribution to maximize your online sales, by focusing on areas such as metadata, marketing and promotions and improving your D2C fulfilment process. Join us for this informative, thought-leadership webinar with Supadu, exclusively for UTP Distribution publishers, and find out more about the UTP-Supadu partner offering.
Enhancing title visibility is one of the key ways to boost your online book sales. From complete metadata and enriched product pages, to online flash sales and exciting social campaigns, there are numerous ways to get your titles noticed both within your website and outside. In this webinar/workshop, Supadu's Sarah Arbuthnot will discuss how to make the most of your website and social channels to promote both frontlist and backlist titles.
After a difficult 2021 with numerous strains on the supply chain, we will explore how to improve your marketing effectiveness across the digital platforms, making the most of digital products such as ePub, Audio and ePDF, how to leverage the creation of accessible ePubs of your front and backlist as part of your strategy, and boosting Direct to Consumer sales through an effective website. With guest speakers Joshua Tallent of Firebrand Technologies, Fredric Nachbaur of Fordham University Press, and Sarah Arbuthnot from Supadü, you don't want to miss out on this invaluable thought-leadership webinar!