Supadu discusses how to effectively grow and engage with your online community; from adding supplemental content at the editorial stage; to using your author’s network and knowledge-base; to metadata enrichment; or to simply adding bundles and incentives onto your website... some of a range of ideas we will discuss in detail. Join Supadu for a lively discussion about building your D2C community, with guest speaker Joshua Tallent.
Selling your products directly to consumers is a great way to increase the value of your publishing brand, build repeat business, and increase revenue. In this session, Supadu will discuss the key ingredients for successful eCommerce, including: ensuring ease of purchase, dealing with both physical and digital DRM, and integrating with distribution and fulfillment.
Supadu is very excited to return to London Book Fair this year and will be exhibiting at Booth 3B44 alongside NetGalley and Firebrand, as part of the Firebrand group! Please feel free to swing by our booth and meet the team or contact us to arrange a meeting!
Selling your products directly to consumers is a great way to increase the value of your publishing brand, build repeat business, and increase revenue. However, users will abandon their cart if there is not a simple path to purchase. In this session, Supadu will discuss the key ingredients for successful eCommerce and how to ensure users stay on your site and buy directly from you.
Having an effective, enriched website is one of the best ways to increase title visibility. It is also a way to revive your backlist titles, which are often forgotten, with little or no marketing budget. Supadu will discuss the key ingredients for website effectiveness and how you can use your website to promote titles through efforts including marketing campaigns, enhanced product pages and flash sales.