Metadata provides mechanism for search engines to index information to produce relevant accurate search engine and site search results. Whether it’s your own site, Google or a third party book store, metadata is the single most important contributory factor to discoverability & good SEO.
Marketing metadata can be anything which helps the book sell – for example information such as reviews, prizes the book has won, a bio of the author, linking books by genre and author are essential for breadth of content awareness.
Supply chain metadata is the information sent to retailers, distributors, aggregators, and other business partners that includes commercial metadata (the price of the book, the date it's available for sale, perhaps things like sales territories and discounts).
This is the tagging you put into the HTML pages, so you are found easily and ranked highly in the search engines.
Data localisation relates to accurate translation of your metadata into other languages – critical for SEO. Search engines default to native languages, so metadata translations are an absolute MUST.
Updated well-managed data is having the ability to manually and automatically update metadata, giving you freedom to influence results ranking and respond effectively to marketing requirements.
Our Supafolio Data Dashboard can help you manage and improve your website metadata. Click here to learn how